EmMi LuebesKind-Haus 

Das Haus


(1) Räume ... auch verfügbar für Andere

(2) Über das ELK-Haus veröffentlicht

(3) Infos ... Deutsch | English | Türkce

Zum EmMi LuebesKind-Haus gehören u.a. diese Räume (alle mit Parkett):

-  2 Säle (je 80 qm) - im EG und 1. OG (mit Konzertflügel),

-  1 Süd-Terrasse (90 qm) - im 2. OG,

-  3 Seminarräume (je 35 qm) - im EG, 1. OG und 5. OG,

-  6 Arbeits- und Besprechungszimmer (je 20 qm) - im 2., 3. und 4. OG,


Interessierte können die Räume für eigene Aktivitäten anmieten


Im EmMi LuebesKind-Haus bieten wir ein breites Veranstaltungs-Spektrum, z.B.:

Konferenzen und Tagungen,

=  Seminare und Schulungen,

Diskussions- und Informationsveranstaltungen,

=  Kino- und Spieleabende,

=  Konzerte und Lesungen,

=  gesetzte Festessen,

=  u.v.m.


Das aktuelle Veranstaltungsprogramm erhalten Sie hier.

Berliner Zeitung - Debatte um Berlins letzten Altstadtort

Im Jahre 2017 widmete die Berliner Zeitung dem Standort eine Seite.


Berliner Zeitung - Damit das Erwachsenwerden nicht zur Katastrophe wird

Zum Richtfest 2021 berichtete die Berliner Zeitung über das Vorhaben.

MITTE auf Augenhöhe

Das Autorenpaar Benedikt Goebel/Lutz Mauersberger widmete dem ELK-Haus eine Passage.


Entwicklungsstadt Berlin

Björn Leffler hat im Oktober 2020 das ELK-Haus in seinem Internet-Forum portraitiert.  > zum Forum

Kurz-Information EmMi LuebesKind-Haus
InfoBlatt ELK Haus Sep2018.pdf
PDF-Dokument [199.0 KB]

Mit dem EmMi LuebesKind-Haus erhält das Anliegen der Gemeinnützigen Gesellschaft EmMi LuebesKind in Berlin-Mitte eine feste Adresse und ein bauliches Gesicht.


Das ELK-Haus stellt sich in erster Linie in den Dienst der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe sowie der Careleaver. Es übernimmt gleich mehrere Funktionen, so beispielsweise als  

(1)  Co-Working-Ort

(2)  Informations- und Begegnungszentrum,

(3)  Ort für Freizeitgestaltung und Berufsperspektiven,

(4)  Trainings- und Konferenzort,

(5)  Boarding-House und Werkstatt,

(6)  Studiums- und Stipendienzentrum,

(7)  Ort für Charity und Feierlichkeiten.


Das ELK-Haus ist für junge Menschen auch ein Bezugs- und Rückzugs-Ort. Denn Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen, die nicht bei ihren leiblichen Eltern aufwachsen, fehlt es oftmals an festen Orten, die wohnlich und familiär gestaltet sowie ihnen jederzeit zugänglich sind. 


Die Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft EmMi LuebesKind entwickelt das ELK-Haus komplett in privater Eigeninitiative und errichtet es ohne öffentliche Mittel. Angesichts seines herausragenden Standortes inmitten des historischen Berlins wird es zugleich 

(1)  Veranstaltungs- und Informations-Ort zur Stadtgeschichte Berlins,

(2)  Veranstaltungs- und Informations-Ort zur Stadtentwicklung Berlins - insbesondere der "Neuen Mitte".

The ELK is dedicated to young people, whose fate usually takes place outside of social perception. Therefore we were looking for a prominent place in the middle of the urban society of Berlin. The EmMi LuebesKind-Haus is now being built in the center of Berlin-MITTE.

... and:

The non-profit association EmMi LuebesKind also supports adolescents and young adults who could not grow up with their biological parents because they are (half-/full-)orphans ("Waisen"). The EmMi LuebesKind-Haus is being built between Littenstrasse and WAISENstrasse.


The non-profit company EmMi LuebesKind is developing the EmMi LuebesKind house entirely on its own initiative and erecting it without any public funding. The ELK house is intended to be a place of reference and retreat for young people. Because adolescents and young adults who do not grow up with their biological parents often lack fixed locations that are accessible to them at all times and that take their special needs into account. With the ELK house, the social concern of the non-profit company EmMi LuebesKind in Berlin-Mitte has a permanent address and a structural face. It takes on several functions, for example it serves as a
(1) information and meeting center,
(2) place for recreational activities and career prospects.
(3) training and conference location,
(4) workshop,
(5) study and scholarship Center.


In view of the central location in the middle of historic Berlin, the ELK-Haus will be both: an event and information location
(1) on the city history of Berlin,
(2) on urban development, especially the New Center.

A new building for the EmMi LuebesKind Foundation is being constructed on Littenstraße in Mitte in the direct vicinity of the historical monastery ruins (“Klosterruine”). A house is being built which is intended as an institution for child and youth welfare.



The location of the land for the new building is controversial: it is small and narrow, but is located right next to the choir of the venerable ruins of the church of the Franciscan monastery. Its construction was started around 1250. Here ran the old city wall built around the same time, the last remnants of which are carefully preserved only 100 meters away.

The Berlin State Monument Office is not amused about the realization of this project, as the site with its ruins, green strip and remains of the wall is unique in Berlin. However, since building rights existed at this location, the project was started after years of discussions. Currently the civil engineering works are in progress.



The EmMi LuebesKind Foundation is concerned with children who did not grow up in their families of origin, but in foster families or residential groups. When these young people reach their 18th birthday, numerous child and youth welfare measures end for them. Then they have to leave their previous living environment, often at very short notice.

According to the foundation, this affects around 150,000 children and young people. Obviously a neglected social phenomenon. The founders, Susanne Litzel and Friedrich Loock, have several foster children themselves, whose names can be found in the foundation title EmMi Luebeskind.



In the new house there will be rooms for counseling and employment, and in the tower there will be several shared apartments for young people. The foundation is developing the building entirely on its own private initiative and is constructing it without public funding.

It is also planned to use the building as a venue for events and information on Berlin’s urban history and the urban development of the Neue Mitte. The building will be constructed according to an architectural design by the architectural office Brenner Krohm.

Residents and employees of the powerful Mitte district court and the surrounding buildings will have to get used to construction work in the coming years. Because compared to the planned reconstruction of the Molkenmarkt, the project in Littenstrasse is comparatively small.

ELK Vakıfı toplum da görünmez olan genç insanların kaderleri için uğraşmaktadır. O yüzden biz kasıtlı olarak Berlinin seçkin ve merkezi bir yerini aradık. Böylece EmMI Luebeskind-Evi Berlin-Mitte nin merkezinde kuruluyor.


….. ve


Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft EmMi LuebesKind, öksüz olan, kendi anneleriylen ve babalariylan büyüyemiyen cocuklar, gençler ve genç yetişkinler için çaba harcar. Böylece EmMI Luebeskind-Evi Litten – ve WAISENstrasse arasında meydana geliyor.


Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft EmMi Luebeskind tamamiylen kendi özel initiatifiylen ve devlet yardimi almadan bu EmMi Luebeskind-Evini kuruyor.

Bu ELK-Evi genç insanlar için bir yurt, kendilerini geri çekebilip ve ilgi alabilecek bir yer olacak. Öksüz yetişenler için kapılarının her zaman açik olan ve barına bilecek yerleri yoksa mahlesef olmuyor.

ELK-Eviylen EmMi-Luebeskind vakifi sosyal hedeflerine Berlin-Mitte de sabit bir adres ve yapısal bir yüz verecek. Böylece deyişik fonksiyonları olacak. Örnek olarak

  1. Bilgi- ve Görüsme Merkezi

  2. Hobbi değerlendirme ve Meslek Danişmanlık Mekanı

  3. Egitim- ve Konferens Mekanı

  4. Atölye

  5. Yüksek Öğrenim ve Burs Merkezi


Berlin in merkezi ve tarihi bir yerde yerleşecegimiz icin ELK-Evi aynı zamanda

  1. Berlin in tarihi için etkinlik- ve bilgi yeri

  2. Berlin Neue Mitte nin kentsel gelişimi icin etkinlik- ve bilgi yeri olacaktır.

Aktualisiert am 28 Januar 2025

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Die Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft EmMi LuebesKind widmet sich 


(1) den Wünschen von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen, die nicht mit ihren leiblichen Eltern aufwachsen (konnten), 


(2) den Bedarfen von Menschen und Organisationen, die sie begleiten und unterstützen (z.B. Pflegeeltern, Wohngruppen, kinder- und jugendpädagogische Einrichtungen, Ämter und Behörden, Vereinigungen und Verbände).


Dies tut sie fördernd und operativ.

Unser Spenden-Konto:


EmMi LuebesKind gGmbH



DANKE für Ihr Danke !

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(zu 1) Die deutlich sichtbaren Punkte setzen Akzente, sie symbolisieren rotierende Zahnräder, die durch gemeinschaftliche Rotation Dinge in Bewegung setzen und sich den dafür erforderlichen Kraftaufwand teilen.


(zu 2) Wir verwenden in unserer gemeinnützigen Organisation vor allem zwei Farben:

> "Rot" = Zuneigung / Engagement.

> "Grün" = Hoffnung / Zuversicht.



2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

Hier erfahren Sie mehr über die Engagements der ELK in den vergangenen Jahren.

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