EmMi LuebesKind-Haus 

Rent a Room


+++ Events (80 qm)

+++ Seminars (35 qm)

+++ Roof Terrace (85 qm)


For requests this formular only


The free standing house ("Solitär") is divided between

front building (= "VORDER-Haus") and high-rise buliding (= "HOCH-Haus").


The house is completely barrier-free.


Front building

> 1st floor (Erdgeschoss): "EmMi 0" (add. sunny balcony) and "EmMi-Foyer",

> 2nd floor (1. Obergeschoss): "EmMi 1" (auditorium),

> 3rd floor (2. Obergeschoss): "EmMi 2" (sunny roof terrace).


High-rise building:

> rooms for seminars, offices and library,

> rooms for living with bed rooms, floor kitchen and florr bathrooms.


Here you can get more information about the surroundings.

All prices plus VAT (status 01.01.2024)


1st floor (Erdgeschoss) front building (with balcony)

2nd floor (1. Obergeschoss) front building


Password: Event

Up to 40 persons sitting with tables

Up to 80 persons sitting without tables

Up to 80 Personen standing

€ 90,00 per hour 

€ 360,00 per day (more than 4 hours) 

€ 50,00 late surcharge (event duration after 8pm)

Room design (tables, chairs etc.)

We prepare the room for you according to your design requirements (e.g. for conference, seminar, meeting, dinner, empty) (see sample photos).

Set-up and dismantling are included in the rental price. 


Technology, seminar elements, etc.

Projector, hi-fi, flipchart, presentation case and board, whiteboard, ambilights etc. are available for a small additional fee.


Drinks and food

Hot and cold beverages can be provided.

Catering: We cooperate with a Berlin catering company that prefers to use organic products from the region and also offers a wide range of vegetarian/vegan dishes.  


Time specifications refer to the “gross time”, i.e. the total time required consisting of event time and time for set-up/dismantling.

“1 day” refers to gross time of more than 4 hours.

“Evening surcharge” = for uses/events that end after 8 p.m.     

Rental discounts are possible for use for social purposes.

Examples (click on images to enlarge):

(1) "Salon"  |  (2) "Café"  |  (3) "Discussion"  |  (4) "Workshop"  |  (5) "Hearing"  |  (6) "Podium"  |  (7) "Seminar"  |  (8) "Music"  |  (9) "Creative"  |  (10) "Debating"  |  (11) "Cinema"  |  (12) "2er stage"  |  (13) "3er stage"  |  (14) "80er rows"  |  (15) "Catering"  | (16) Circle of chairs (20er, 30er)

Seminar and office rooms

2nd floor (1. Obergeschoss) higher building

6th floor (5. Obergeschoss) higher building


Password: Seminar

Up to 15 persons sitting with tables

Up to 20 persons sitting without tables

Up to 20 Personen standing

€ 60,00 per hour 

€ 240,00 per day (more than 4 hours) 

€ 50,00 late surcharge (event duration after 8pm)


Room design (tables, chairs etc.)

We prepare the room for you according to your design requirements (e.g. for conference, seminar, meeting, dinner, empty) (see sample photos).

Set-up and dismantling are included in the rental price. 


Technology, seminar elements, etc.

Projector, hi-fi, flipchart, presentation case and board, whiteboard, ambilights etc. are available for a small additional fee.


Drinks and food

Hot and cold beverages can be provided.

Catering: We cooperate with a Berlin catering company that prefers to use organic products from the region and also offers a wide range of vegetarian/vegan dishes.  


Time specifications refer to the “gross time”, i.e. the total time required consisting of event time and time for set-up/dismantling.

“1 day” refers to gross time of more than 4 hours.

“Evening surcharge” = for uses/events that end after 8 p.m.     

Rental discounts are possible for use for social purposes.

Roof Terrace

3rd floor (2. Obergeschoss) front building


Password: Terrace

Up to 70 persons standing

€ 75,00 per hour 

€ 300,00 per day (more than 4 hours) 

€ 50,00 late surcharge (event duration after 8pm)


Terrace design 

We coordinate the desired design of the terrace with you. 

Assembly and dismantling are included in the rental price. 


Technology e.g.

Ambilights, HiFi etc. are available for a small additional fee.


Drinks and food

Hot and cold drinks can be provided.

Catering: We cooperate with a Berlin catering company that prefers to use organic products from the region and offers a wide range of vegetarian/vegan dishes.  


Time specifications refer to the “gross time”, i.e. the total time required consisting of event time and time for set-up/dismantling.

“1 day” refers to gross time of more than 4 hours.

“Evening surcharge” = for uses/events that end after 8 p.m. 

Rental discounts are possible for use for social purposes.

Aktualisiert am 19 Januar 2025

EmMi LuebesKind auf Facebook 

... und auf Instagram  

Die Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft EmMi LuebesKind widmet sich 


(1) den Wünschen von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen, die nicht mit ihren leiblichen Eltern aufwachsen (konnten), 


(2) den Bedarfen von Menschen und Organisationen, die sie begleiten und unterstützen (z.B. Pflegeeltern, Wohngruppen, kinder- und jugendpädagogische Einrichtungen, Ämter und Behörden, Vereinigungen und Verbände).


Dies tut sie fördernd und operativ.

Unser Spenden-Konto:


EmMi LuebesKind gGmbH



DANKE für Ihr Danke !

Das Bemühen und Wirken von EmMi LuebesKind greifen auf: (1) LOGO und



(zu 1) Die deutlich sichtbaren Punkte setzen Akzente, sie symbolisieren rotierende Zahnräder, die durch gemeinschaftliche Rotation Dinge in Bewegung setzen und sich den dafür erforderlichen Kraftaufwand teilen.


(zu 2) Wir verwenden in unserer gemeinnützigen Organisation vor allem zwei Farben:

> "Rot" = Zuneigung / Engagement.

> "Grün" = Hoffnung / Zuversicht.



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